Good day my beloved Readers and Friends.
Am here to share with y'all on what i titled:POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT AND ITS FAILURES IN NIGERIA. Firstly, many people may think Political Advertisement and party Manifesto are the Same, if you're of that type please stay tune. Let's move on to both meanings.
Party Manifesto or Manifesto can be defined as a public declaration of intentions as issued by a Political Party or Government.
Political Advertisement in its own side is defined as the use of any advertising displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, letters, radio or television presentation, social media advertising or any means of mass Communication used for the purpose of appealing, directly or indirectly for votes or for financial or other Support in any election campaign.
That's the meaning of both Manifesto and Political ads., Now lets move the Subject area.
In search for many voters in an Election, many politicos are now using political Advertising as a priority to protest/campaign during an Election, instead of them to come to the lcalities physically to campaign.
You know, a democracy is in trouble when two out of three voters don't bother to turn up for a presidential election just like Nigeria.; Considering it that the Nigerian state is too weak yto have a monopoly on violence, some political actors take advantage of this and deploy it as a tool for competitive advantages.
Political Advertising is so much impressing, that it can give you maximum votes if done in the right way(Positive political Ads). In the research, politicians do their campaigns on Facebook more than any other social media platform during their Elections.
Internet/Political Advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial Advertisers.
That power bring significant risks to politics where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions.
Political Ads have existed since the first elections thousand years ago and their more modern equivalents do enable candidates to reach a wider audience and connect with voters in a targeted, meaningful way, as well as allowing niche politicians or movements gain traction.
But that power can easily be abused with new technologies like Microtargeting which have vast power matched by relaxing little transparency.
Now, compare it to Nigeria democratic system.
Every politico can operate pol Ads in respective of your region, but i Comrade Elagha Isaac said that, political ads had its Failures in Nigeria. Below are the little ones i said, 👇👇👇
1.Money and influence: In many cases, money and influence are used to essentially "buy" votes and sway elections. Some of this actions can fell on the Shady side.
Most Greedy Eletorates will sell their Legal and Political Right (Vote) to their Rivals because of money.
2. Bad Politicians : Many bad Politicians can cause the failure of Political Advertisement in Nigeria because of the way they live., for instance they will just come in public and say, Please my people vote for me, Vote for integrity, Quality and the Good man, while the person with that some much praises is one of the most wicked Politicos in the state.
3. Greediness of Public Funds can also cause failure of Political Advertisement in Nigeria.
4.Negative Campaign.
Political Advertising has long been controversial, but broad bans on digital Platforms will harm our democratic process by silencing voices and reducing the range of views that reach voters.
Digital advertising plays an important role in a Political Communication in an era of heightened media Choice and fragmented Public attentions.
Political Advertising also has undeniable downsides, including meaningful social costs to inflame or confuse, or to dissuade the electorates from voting.
Right now in the World, everything you turn right now, you run into ads put out by politicians and their Political Parties with all of them telling you that, they are the right person to vote for.
Thanks for Reading!!!💕💕💕
🎤🎤🎤Comrade Elagha Isaac
{Mr. Congressman}
Good day my beloved Readers and Friends.
Am here to share with y'all on what i titled:POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT AND ITS FAILURES IN NIGERIA. Firstly, many people may think Political Advertisement and party Manifesto are the Same, if you're of that type please stay tune. Let's move on to both meanings.
Party Manifesto or Manifesto can be defined as a public declaration of intentions as issued by a Political Party or Government.
Political Advertisement in its own side is defined as the use of any advertising displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, letters, radio or television presentation, social media advertising or any means of mass Communication used for the purpose of appealing, directly or indirectly for votes or for financial or other Support in any election campaign.
That's the meaning of both Manifesto and Political ads., Now lets move the Subject area.
In search for many voters in an Election, many politicos are now using political Advertising as a priority to protest/campaign during an Election, instead of them to come to the lcalities physically to campaign.
You know, a democracy is in trouble when two out of three voters don't bother to turn up for a presidential election just like Nigeria.; Considering it that the Nigerian state is too weak yto have a monopoly on violence, some political actors take advantage of this and deploy it as a tool for competitive advantages.
Political Advertising is so much impressing, that it can give you maximum votes if done in the right way(Positive political Ads). In the research, politicians do their campaigns on Facebook more than any other social media platform during their Elections.
Internet/Political Advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial Advertisers.
That power bring significant risks to politics where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions.
Political Ads have existed since the first elections thousand years ago and their more modern equivalents do enable candidates to reach a wider audience and connect with voters in a targeted, meaningful way, as well as allowing niche politicians or movements gain traction.
But that power can easily be abused with new technologies like Microtargeting which have vast power matched by relaxing little transparency.
Now, compare it to Nigeria democratic system.
Every politico can operate pol Ads in respective of your region, but i Comrade Elagha Isaac said that, political ads had its Failures in Nigeria. Below are the little ones i said, 👇👇👇
1.Money and influence: In many cases, money and influence are used to essentially "buy" votes and sway elections. Some of this actions can fell on the Shady side.
Most Greedy Eletorates will sell their Legal and Political Right (Vote) to their Rivals because of money.
2. Bad Politicians : Many bad Politicians can cause the failure of Political Advertisement in Nigeria because of the way they live., for instance they will just come in public and say, Please my people vote for me, Vote for integrity, Quality and the Good man, while the person with that some much praises is one of the most wicked Politicos in the state.
3. Greediness of Public Funds can also cause failure of Political Advertisement in Nigeria.
4.Negative Campaign.
Political Advertising has long been controversial, but broad bans on digital Platforms will harm our democratic process by silencing voices and reducing the range of views that reach voters.
Digital advertising plays an important role in a Political Communication in an era of heightened media Choice and fragmented Public attentions.
Political Advertising also has undeniable downsides, including meaningful social costs to inflame or confuse, or to dissuade the electorates from voting.
Right now in the World, everything you turn right now, you run into ads put out by politicians and their Political Parties with all of them telling you that, they are the right person to vote for.
Thanks for Reading!!!💕💕💕
🎤🎤🎤Comrade Elagha Isaac
{Mr. Congressman}