scrimmage In Ijaw Nation Full Text by Isaac Elagha (Novel)

                            IJAW NATION

        Authored by Isaac Elagha (Mr.Congressman)

This is a work of Fiction, names, Characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the Author's imagination.Any resemblance to actual persona living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

All Rights reserved.
   No part of this novel may be reproduced, transmitted or stores in a retrieval system or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission in writing from the Author.

The Rights of Isaac Elagha to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright laws.

I am greatful to Almighty God who has given me the grace, strength and Wisdom to write this book, I am also indebted to all my teachers both past and Present.
   My appreciation also goes to my friend and Brother Comrade Timadi Eniekpoelade Friday who started  the novel writing journey with me since 2014,who's advice and encouragement to write this book.
  I wish to acknowledge the unflinching support and encouragement given to me by distinguished personality of the Global world.
   Kudos to my Secondary School classmates and colleagues in Zado Secondary School, Oboro.
  Am extremely grateful for being supportive.

   Am grateful to you all.

This piece of work is dedicated to all sons and daughters of Ijaw nation who is into gbe struggle of ijaw development and most especially to the memory of Late Major General Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro.

 Rest in Peace, Adaka Boro.

     CHAPTER ONE (1)

At midnight he was rudely woken up by a persistent and loud noise.
A Mosquito rudely woke him up while he was stoking up his anger at it and waiting in the dark for it return, his heart hovered in fear and his mind strained to identify the sounds in the air.
 He was intensely angry at his failure to crush the Mosquito which hummed close to his ear again on its return mission.
After some time, he went back to sleep and left the window open. It was reporter earlier in the evening that, Armed Robbery attack took place in a near by Bank,people were injured and some girls where also raped by the Arm robbers but the urgent invention of the police made them to fled.
The arm robbers injured some workers in the bank and also raped girls in the Akuba region for refusing to give them money. The daily weakening of human life was mind bogging in Akuba.
 Other the border between sleeping and walking Boro saw the world as a net and all humans as fishes struggling for freedom and bumping against one another.
  Boro angrily changed his mind about sleeping off when the Mosquito purr once more and he started to go to the living room where Pere-ere, Iniye and Johnson were watching film.
After sometime, a gun explosion was heard and a bullet fell through the aluminum roof into his bed.
  It was as if the sound of the gunshot carried Boro into the living room. His friends also tremble and ran out from the living room and stated screaming. There was a gun shot, iniye screamed.
And... Something on the bed.. Boro responded with his trembling heart.
 Pere-ere roughly rushed ran into Boro's room and switched On the light and saw that the bullet pitched in to the Mattress.
 Iniye and others also ran into the room and saw what was happening. It's evil in the land of Akuba, Iniye screamed.
Pere-ere also agreed with her, how can a bullet penetrate through the roof to the mattress when it's not shot from above.
 And No ✈️ aeroplane was heard flying, how come the bullet pitched in to the Bed, Boro added.
They were griefed in fear and phoned the Gbolu State Commander of Police and informed him about the incident and they should come to their rescue of fear.
We will be on our way sir, the commander replied Boro.
As Boro and his friends went round talking, the residents of the other houses started coming out to join them. A few senior officers that was living in other house authoritatively went into Boro's room to have a first hand information. After sometime, the Police officers an their Commander, Mr. Olumo dashed into the street and asked everyone to go back to their house. Mr. Johnson, a friend to Boro thought inwardly, A man is not a man before a man with a gun.
  Everyone obeyed the Police officer order and went into their houses;Only Boro and his friends were left behind. Show us where the Bullet fell in, we leant that the bullet fell into one of these houses, so we are starting from your house.This way, Pere-ere responded. The police saw the mysterious bullet and said maybe this is a flying bullet that is why it penetrate to your room, the Police said. Boro and Johnson said that in Addition to the amounts they didn't know all their arrears of the Article business they are in increase we're taken by the robbers, and also raped some other residents in the Estate.
  We shall send your story to ATA later in the day to warn people of the menace of crime and the bullets felling on People's houses, Mr. Olumo added. Boro and his friends thanked the Police for their initial intervention to the crime when they phoned.
   A cock crowed somewhere to announce the national dawn of a new day.
  In the morning, Boro and Johnson who had locked their door and not receive any visitor were wiship that the overseas scholarship they applied for had been expecting for months would soon some so that they will leave Akaku and go to London or USA where the Governments took their responsibility seriously. They were all aiming to get the scholarship as they have grade 1 in their results and credits in all the requisite seven 9 subjects.
   Akaku is a prison i want go get out, Boro sighed.
How about us?, so you want to leave us here and went away, pere-ere asked.
  Just only one year, you will join us soon in either USA or London to continue your University Studies, Boro replied.
  The present stage of my life is my own prison, pere-ere thought out loud.
  Boro had been feeling guilty for his brusque bahaviour towards Pere-ere before leaving home, But her tone relaxed him and he inwardly thanked God for his good luck in having her.Boro was impressed by Pere-ere's good behavior and inwardly fell in love with her.
   At last the l9ng vacation ended, In the season of regenerated paternal loving back to school was to pere-ere as exhilarating as a gift of roses to s fresh lover. Pere-ere whole family accompanied her to the bus stop and said good bye to her for the first time. Her father, Mr. Akpoebi who doesn't Like a girl child at much. Her mother has seven Children and all are girls so Akpoebi was not in a good mood for the situation in hand. He sometimes complained bitterly to God for not giving him an heir apparent to his wealth. Girls are for the beautification of another man's house, Akpoebi concluded. After the vacation ended for the first time, Pere-ere whole family escorted her to the car park. The fire of his daughter's rebellion had thawed the ice in Akpoebi's heart. As he walked with his wife and six female children from the frontage of Pere-ere's hostel to the car park, he seemed to be swimming in a sea of happiness for the first time. Pere-ere smiled at the in elegant businessman who had never bothered about his gait. Pere-ere waved back to her parents and siblings and drove off to the school compound with Boro her friend.
  She greeted a clerk behind the counter as she walked past to a newspaper cubicle.
  " Pere-ere ", the Clerk responded'welcome from holiday. You're alone? Where's Iniye?.
 She's fine, pere-ere replied and went to the cubicle.
  She would only read one paper to two paper and go to classroom but instead to start read she thought about Iniye, who persuaded her to agree with Boro's Proposal. Iniye who met Boro and Johnson at Taku Junction of Akuba agreed to Johnson proposal and also persuaded her to do the same to Boro.
 She shook her head and started to read. After turning most of the pages absently, skimming over just six stories or so, she camr back to the headline story which said that, the Ijaw Youth council -----An organization made up of mainly Young Men and Women between the ages of 18 - 36 years., had in a press conference called on the Federal Government to start a programme of Justice or prepare to stop the oil exploitation in the region. They had demanded majority share of the oil revenue for the oil producing communities, Rapid Development and Good Education for the Children. The youths advised the Federal Government to take a cue from the USA Government who is law abiding.
  The story reminded Pere-ere of the arm robbers attack in Boro's house and she silently prayed that the Federal Government of Akabu should listen to them and let peace reign in the country. She stood up and went back to her classroom. Last Saturdays and Sundays are usually free days. She intend to see her mother when it was not a vacation, she usually went home during but decided to see her mom during the free days.

              CHAPTER TWO(2)

 Both Parents and sisters were to move our and enjoy themselves but pere-ere Mother preferred to accompany her back to school because it was not a vacation. They left home about 4 hours after her junior sisters had went to the market square. They were laughing another of her mother Anecdotes when pere-ere asked the driver to stop the car.
   Funpere, Stop! Stop the car. She requested, the Driver pulled over. Pere-ere jumped out of the jeep and ran excitedly to a woman that was selling foodstuffs in the Market and hugged her.
  Don't you recognize me?, the girl you payed a transport fare when i got stranded the other day.
Oh! My daughter am sorry i can now remember you, she said.
 See my mother she is in the jeep, we were passing when i saw you and decided to come and greet you. Pere-ere drawled the woman's hand to her mom. "Mom" this woman very glad to me the other fay when i got stranded along the street, she paid my transport for me. Her mother looked confused, a road side food seller be good to you, she thought silently.
  The woman greeted pere-ere's mother whose response was very cold and disgusting to the woman.
  Ma, I don't know your appellation, Pere-ere added.
   My name is "Poweide" she replied.
Wow, am Pere-ere Akpoebi and my mom is Ebiere Akpoebi,. It's a pleasure knowing you Ma.
   Thank you, the woman replied. Poweide waved to Pere-ere and her mother as they drove off to school. The woman stood looking at the Jeep as it gets deem for her to see, Smiling and shaking her head, because Pere-ere hasn't been aware of her mother's angry face towards her.
   Poweide didn't hesitate whenever Pere-ere invites her to their house, Ebiere who hadn't forgotten her daughter hugged a poor Roadside food seller in dirty work clothes pointed icy behavior to Poweide whenever she visits her daughter but Poweide was not affected in the way she behaves towards her but instead made peace with her.
   Poweide in occasion called Ebiere Mama Aboy, which means her pregnancy will turn out to be a boy and not girl anymore, although Ebiere was very ashamed because she hasn't been giving birth to a male child and she also hasn't told Poweide about her Pregnancy, She wondered why Poweide has been calling her that name.
   When Pere-ere and her Mom drove to the School, Ebiere waved back to her daughter and left her in the hostel, When Pere-ere returned to the school. Iniye and her friends went to her and greeted.
"Welcome Pere-ere", Iniye greeted.
     Thank you, Pere-ere replied Iniye.
   Although, the other friends lf Iniye pretended at if they don't know the disagreement between Pere-ere and Iniye over Boro and Johnson.
    Iniye and Pere-ere walked silently to Pere-ere's room, Pere-ere knocked out the door to know who was in the room but to no avail nobody was in the house, she collected the key from the door post, she opened the door and went inside with Iniye.
   Sit on the bed Iniye, she said
I can't sit on your bed any more Pere-ere, she replied.
  "Why not?
  With much pressure from Pere-ere, she sat on her bed but was not near to her, After an awkward silence, she spoke.
  Boro and Johnson didn't get the Scholarship, even though they were qualified for the Scholarship, Iniye added, Iniye burst into tears.
   Don't cry Iniye we are friends again, I have forgiven you, she added.
    Just like that?, Pere-ere are you mocking me?
  Yes, so i have press you to my heart, Iniye my best friend again. Iniye wept profusely, Pere-ere comforted her and explained why she shouldn't feel guilty.
   But, by the way what am i hearing about you this time, hope isn't true? You are still going to the white men at D'john's oil well House estate?, She asked. Hmm, you can't believe what those white men did to us because they have money, we suffered in their hands, it's too shameful to tell anyone, Pere-ere you know you were the one that used to cater for my needs but since you left what i can do?, Am a Victim of Poverty so i have to go there for some Money, Iniye Concluded.
   They both wept bitterly but Pere-ere still comforted her and assures her that, she will not by any means leave her again and she has also gotten her fathers love back so there will be enough money for them to use., That night against the school rules, Iniye slept at Pere-ere's room. Pere-ere three roommates were also happy as the two are now reunited again.
    In the morning Pere-ere and Iniye went together to their University Part time lesson and played happily together like they have never seen themselves before. They reached the Library and got a copy of a newspaper and read the headline which was; There was no Ultimatum from the ijaw Youth Council, the Group was simply advising the Federal Government to initiate good Governance in Akuba.

The other day, Pere-ere Phone signaled with an unknown number calling, she picked up the call but was waiting for the caller to speak first. "Hello" Pere-ere am sorry for not calling you since you had a misunderstanding with me but actually i lost my phone and there was no way to call you that was why, the voice spokes
  Who are you please and where do you get my number from, she asked.
  Am Boro the voice replied
      Boro?, and who gave you my number.
 Your friend Iniye did, he added
  Actually i call to inform you that, me and Johnson has gotten an admission to the Federal University of Akuba, Kaku to study Pure Chemistry, he added.
   Okay, Congratulations to you and Johnson..
     But don't call this my number again ok, She requested with squeezed face and she ended the conversation as she heard footsteps to her room. After some minutes, Iniye walked to her room and greeted.
   Actually, I came to tell you that, Boro called me this morning and told me that, He and Johnson had gotten an Admission into Federal University of Akuba to Study Pure Chemistry, I also gave him your number and he promised to call even though you are angry with him, Iniye Concluded.
   Oh!, Yes i just spoke with about it but i also warned him not to call this my number again or else he will see the other side of me, she replied Iniye.
    I know that, you're still angry about the matter but he was so heartless by cheating on you despite the fact that you two promised Marriage Before sex, its cruel but let the bye gone be the bye gone and lets move on with our lives, Just forgive him for once Iniye Pleaded. Yeah, Is okay about that.
 But Pere-ere, what's your Choice of University and Course to study after this Lesson? Iniye asked.
   Hmm, My choice of University is Kuku state University, Alulu and want to study Political Science and Conflict resolution, she replied excitedly.
   Okay, But to me i want to Study Law in the same University with you, I want to make sure i sue those oil producing companies in the Coastal Part of Ijaw and pay the appropriate ransom to them and also give a tangible development to the area, Iniye Concluded.
   Yes, you're right i believe this your idea will help the Ijaw nation and will make the oil companies to develop our region so that people living there will be recognized as humans and not Mermaids or bush people, Pere-ere added.
    Pere-ere and Iniye were sitting down together in the living room when Doubra came, puffing from her escape from the hands of some thugs at the Million Party of Akuba(MPA) building in the street who were attracted by her beauty. Iniye and Pere-ere urged Doubra, the Senators daughter to calm down and she did so without arguing so that she can describe the incident to them properly , She explained how the party members and their thugs had taken over the whole street, people had to beg to be allowed to pass, some of them were asked to pay what they called as Passage fee. (She Omitted to say that Several people goosed her). I haven't told you my own story when i was coming back, since i came we were talking on other matters, Doubra your own experience is mild, I don't know how may of men touched my Ass because i refuse to give them money, one of them even wanted to kiss me but i slapped him in the face, Iniye added.
   Lest, I forget that's not what i came for, i want two of you to come to my Matriculation Party at Kaku, If you two don't come, no party no me Doubra said.
   "We will come " they replied.
 The way she put it, Pere-and Iniye couldn't say no to her invitation. She offered to be responsible for their travel expenses but Pere-ere insisted that she shouldn't bother herself about that. Doubra thank them heartily.
  Pere-ere would meet Boro at Kaku, were Boro is doing his studies, they would be lovers again as Iniye had told her to forgive Boro and she will be free from her own Prison. The following day, Pere-ere and Iniye traveled to Kaku, were Doubra had invited her for the Matriculation Party, when they arrived at Kaku but the news on desk wwe that, the Deputy Senate President has been killed so the Matriculation Party will not take place again.
   So my "Party" cannot take place?, Doubra asked
Yes, her mom replied her.
    Doubra showed Pere-ere and Iniye to her Mom, she described them as the Queens of my Kingdom, they are heart.
  Her mother too welcomed them heartily and entertain them to the fullest. Pere-ere had thought inwardly, how better she is to Iniye and Doubra back then in Secondary School but now Doubra has gotten an admission to the University while they are still at home, Life, she felt was wicked. Doubra Father, who is the senate president couldn't be immediately seen because of the incident that occurred in the time and some election issues, so he can't be easily seen by the two girls which Doubra was eager to show him. When the senate president returned home he had to rush a meal and meet the leaders of his party and some Electon gangs from his Constituency. But instead Doubra persuaded him to see her friends first because they are going back. The senate President yielded and met his daughter's friends who were sitting at the Living room. After the introduction of the Senate President and the two girls, he advised them to Sun Politics and do something different in Life.Politics was not good for women, the female character shouldn't be degraded by Politics, he concluded. He gave them $700,000 for each for their back home transport, they thanked him but Doubra wasn't happy because they shouldn't have thanked him, that amount isn't the same kind of money he has been giving to the Election thugs?, she sighed.
  At the Airport, Pere-ere and Boro met each other and asked for forgiveness.
   Will you accept me again as your lover or Friend, Boro asked.
  Hmmmm, Yes or No.
But why can't you just figure out a single answer and stop confusing me, he asked.
  Okay, i have forgiven you but i can't tell you right now that i still love you or not, I will inform you of that, when i get back home, bye she said and went in to the Aero plain.
     After Pere-ere and Iniye came back home from their tripe to Doubra's house, they were informed by Pere-ere's Mother that they are traveling to their Village because she want to give birth in her Village. Pere-ere and Iniye were excited because that was the first time they are going to the Village since she was born, They were born in village but left the village when they were babies.
  She and Iniye dashed in to their rooms to get prepared ahead of the Journey.
  Her Mother also informed them that, the Journey is starting tomorrow. What's bad in one place maybe good in another place, Pere-ere said.
  Yes, i agree with you but Pere-ere what's your say on this?, Will you still go back to Boro and leave your Prison?, Iniye asked.
I will go back to him because i love him but let him call first before i will inform him about that, She replied.
  Wow, that will be great, am sure he will call you because he need you in his life.
   They both went into the room and were preparing their travel bag when Pere-ere phone rang, it was Boro she picked up the call and quickly said, Boro i have forgiven you so i don't have grudges against you.
  Thank you Pere-ere, But what's your answer to my question, He asked.
   Oh!, With that i have decided to inform you that i still love you and will love you forever if you don't cheat on me again, she replied.
  Boro thanked her heartily, she also informed him that they are traveling to Kaima tomorrow suddenly she hear her mother footsteps and the Conversation was interrupted.
  How long will you be in Kaima, Pere-ere asked her mom.
Not quit long but the road is roughly, we will come home after seven days of my Delivery, Ebiere Added. Now mom as early as you want tomorrow, i need to get my things ready before night falls and dose a little before Kaima people knocks at my door, Her mom smiled and asked her to go.
    It was Ekio, her younger sister that came knocked the door at about 5PM in the morning, she quickly opened the door and was about yo say Good Morning dad when her sleepy eyes recognized her sister, What's the Problem Ekio, she asked.
  Mummy said, you and Iniye should get ready for the journey, She Replied.
   Pere-ere laughed, we will be with you soon. Pere-ere kept her word, in less than 30 Minutes, she and Iniye arrived at the Sitting room were Pere-ere Mom and Dad were sitting down. Akpoebi nearly wept, looking at his wife dragging herself towards the carpet ad it her full-grown up stomach was w heavy object she wwe pushing weakly in front of her and he felt it was wrong to for men to Abuse Women because what they are carrying is more heavier than mere pains.
   Akpoebi called on Funpere to let them leave whrn the river is not rough. Funpere carried the Luggage into the car's boot and told Pere-ere and others to enter the car, He drove off to River Oboro were they have to use Local boats or speed boats we transport. Ebiere chartered a thirty-five-seater speedboat and they had loaded their luggages onto it, but the journey couldn't start yet because it was reported to them that, Pirates were at work somewhere in the River. After several hours , a few boats landed at the wharf which gave the fretfully waiting drivers and passengers there the all-clear. The hasty pulling out and Speeding off of many boats at the same time raised waves that frightened Many passengers who didn't travel frequently by water. The danger of River Oboro came from the recklessness of the boat drivers who often did not slow down as they passed one another.
   Auntie see, Iniye pointed at a group of huts in an Hamlet, all the houses are built with sticks, she said. Ebiere told her that, this is what the Villagers are passing through even though they are the financial hub of the Country.
  Pere-ere and Iniye was so afraid of the river waves and was likely to jumped out from the boat but no way.Iniye silently prayed yo God that, if really he want to kilo someone he should kill her and the driver but spare Pere-ere and Ebiere.But God didn't kill anyone -----They arrived safely to Kaima.
  They saw a woman came out of toilet that was made by woods and Zinc along the waterway, she looked towards the jetty and saw Ebiere, who was been helped onto a step of the jetty.
  Hey!!, Ebiere, she ran down the pier to the bank of the River and to the jetty happily calling her name Ebiere Akpoebi name brought several people to the waterside. The woman from the pier toilet hugged her very warmly before she saw the frown in Ebiere's face and then her bulging stomach.
   Many people rejoiced about her because it has been a long time she has not come home, to see her people nor their Parents.
   People started rushing out from their homes as they heard Ebiere is now in town after several years in the city and she is ready to deliver. The rumor of her arrival shaked the town and a small party was organized in her Husband's compound over their arrival.
   After three weeks of Ebiere and her Children stay in Kaima, one morning she fell in Pain and was rushed to the Midwife's house, after several minutes of battling she gave birth to twins of which they were boys.
   People began to praise their Gods, they normally called EGBESU in Ijaw nation.
   Luckily that day, Akpoebi also arrived at Kaima.
Akpoebi in his part equally organized a party for his sons, he called them Ebiowei and Ebiowou Akpoebi.

Few Days after Akpoebi arrival to Kaima village, he informed his family that they are going back to the city at soonest time.
  In the night, after Ebiere had gone to bed, Collins(Pere-ere's Cousin) came into Pere-ere's room, forgetting to knock on the door before opening it because of the heavy load on his mind, she was wearing only Knicker and Bra, What's the matter?, she asked hurriedly slipping a night dress over her half-nakedness she was afraid.
   What's it Collins?, She asked
It's Iniye, he replied.
What happened to her.
  She is in her room__I only want to say one man from D'Isaac's Oil Estate has been coming to her.
   Thank God, we are leaving today, She sighed "Thank You Collins, I will handle it, Good Night. She said.
   In the Morning Pere-ere laughed again when she saw Iniye and reminded Collins Report about her in the night.
   Sister Pere-ere, you are laughing alone in the room?,Why?
Because i'm happy that we are going home with two new sons. Pere-ere lied.
   Akpoebi and his family left Kaima village few minutes to 9 O'clock in the morning and Fun-Pere was waiting for them in the River bank were they have to go through Road to their house. The boat journey took less than 30 Minutes because they didn't use Oboro river but instead they use River Atou, which is a short way.
   They drove off to their house in less than two hours and Akpoebi held a great party to commiserate his arrival and to welcome his twin's arrival and also invited Poweide to the party.
  The party was so lovely and many quests enjoyed their selves to the fullest, Food was in excess in Akpoebi's house.
   After that day, Pere-ere went to the market to buy something for her self and Iniye.
     On Gunna road, she saw a group of young men and women running east wards and Northwest of the City, she asked a woman who was standing beside her but she was told that, University students were protesting against the recent increase in School fees in Akuba. Their Ultimatum had expired. Many students were carrying placards, palm fronts or sticks with which they flogged anyone moving opposite direction against them.

       The Protesters had started to flog motorist who refused to make solidarity gestures.
               `Aluta Continua!
                `Aluta Continua!
                `Aluta Continua!
Some youths flogged the elderly man who refuse to tell the world that the President of Akuba should be impeached. Down with Okoko Waya they repeated while they continued to flog him. Down with Okoko Waya!
    Yes, yes down with Okoko Waya, the elderly man shouted.
     Pere-ere shook her head at the eroding of Social Values by the students, Down with Okoko Waya spread from vehicle to Vehicle. Pere-ere decided to run back to tell Fun-Pere to return the car to the house.When she reached where she had left him, he was already making a U-turn as many other Motorists in the street were doing.
    Boro was the also in the Campaign front because he is the President Student Union Government in University of Akuba, Kaku. She was barely in the car when it screeched off.
  Pere-ere are you back?, Where are you rushing to? Her mom asked.
  Funpere please explain to her. She said and rushed into the house and switch on the TV to watch the Protest.
    Several Police men with guns shot into the air to fear them but to no avail, the Protest was still booming. As the crowd pulled away, one policeman that ran ahead of his colleagues were beaten by the Students, some Police officers fired bullets into the crowd, felling some young men and women and other Police Officers.
  The Protest was really a serious one but the federal Government of Akuba gave a deaf ear to them.
After some time, Pere-ere mobile phone ranged, with Fluttering heart she picked the call.
       Iniye Aren't Protesting?, She asked
No, is only the Public University Students and Secondary School students that are Protesting, she replied. But did you see Boro in the protest crew?, Iniye asked.
   Yes, He is the President Student Union Government of Akuba University, Kaku and he is in the front, am afraid something will happen to him, Police offers were shooting guns, Pere-ere replied.
    But have you called him on Phone?
       No, I will call him when the Protest is over.
Please do call him and i will also call him because his life is in great danger right now as Police officers shooting gun, Iniye Concluded and Ended the Conversation.
     Pere-ere eagerly tried to call Boro on Phone, she dialed hus number for several times but her call wasn't connecting. Pere-ere couldn't get any information from Boro until two days after the Protest.
     "Oh" this is a 'Scrimmage ', Pere-ere feared that Boro has been killed or arrested by the Police because she saw on the news that, the Protesters were attested and are in the jail, She phoned Iniye several times hoping and Praying to hear something but she heard nothing.
Later in the day, Boro phoned her that, He and his Vice President Escaped when the Police Officers were arresting the other students and they are now in the creek side.she thanked God for saving Boro but Boro ended the call after he had told her that they can't talk long. Now that Pere-ere was sure that Boro is alive, she thought about hus Delusion of coming back home.
    When she switch on the TV, Media houses were arguing, Some people said the students in the prison should be released because it's Democracy and Democracy is the Government of the People, by the People and for the People while some argued that, the students should be left in the Prison and FG shouldn't even bother to Bring them back, others condemned the Federal Government for increasing the school fees, Mrs. Preye said in her voice call in the media house, she said how can a Civil servant who is earning $15 per month to pay a school fee of $120, when the Worker has other things to do at home?, she too blamed the Federal Government for not hearing the students plead and urged him to released the Arrested students for Democracy sake.
    The hostess said she had heard enough on the students protest, adding that the Akuba Police officers had the sense to follow the due process of law in arresting students.. .
    Pere-ere didn't hear anything about Boro since the last time he called until she saw an advertorial signed by him in the thisday newspaper four weeks after the students protest. She saw Boro's name as President ijaw justice Union, an activist organization calling on the Government to abide with Justice in the Ijaw nation of Akuba. The organization defined justice and gave the Government two months to explain on how they want to tackle the Numerous problems in ijaw nation, one of which is the unjust sharing formula of the oil sector and the Poor Development in ijaw nation. The organization also emphasized on the reopening of Schools and also release the Arrested students within three weeks time..
      The next morning, the newspapers were awash with comments on the ijaw justice Union (IJU), while some of them advised IJU to sun Violence and follow the right path. The people call on the Government to review the sharing formula and amend it and develop the region to avoid violence from the region.
                                   CHAPTER FIVE (5)

Pere-ere ached to hear from Boro, just to be assured that he is fine and nothing else, she told Iniye.
   He will fine, Iniye assured her.
     They both felt so when another news headline read thus; IJU was telling the Government that the three weeks Ultimatum had expired and it was time to take action being signed by Boro, After some minutes another news surfaced online that the Minister of Urban and Rural Development of Akuba has kidnapped.
The next day, thousands of soldiers were deployed in to the coastal part of Akuba in search of the Minister tha. t was kidnapped in which IJU was claimed responsible for the act. The people of Kaima were brutalized by the troops for hiding their son. Unfortunately the Soldiers didn't see the Minister, on their went back mission to the Federal Capital Territory of Akuba, alo
ng the water way, almost twenty thousand soldiers were guned down by the IJU group. This came as a shock to the Federal Government but he didn't listened to their humble request, the next day, other group of soldiers and Police officers were sent back to Kaima village but to their Greatest Surprise, they saw only Animals in the Villages and the houses, all the people of Kaima ran away for survival , the Soldiers destroyed all the houses in the Village, killed the Animals suddenly a man from Aguobiri Village surfaced to Kaima in the process when the Soldiers were destroying the land.
     The man took a news man who followed the Soldiers to Kaima, he took him to the water bank and showed him how they are suffering from the Oil Spillage without adequate Development. The news reporter condemned both the Federal Government and the Ijaw Justice Union (IJU) for the violence act in the region and also called on the Federal Government to develop ijaw nation.
    Several Militants sprang up in the ijaw nation region of Akuba and vowed that no soldier or Policemen who set foot on their Riverine villages would return alive. All the Soldiers that set Kaima ablaze were killed in the went back mission.
         Some days later after the Soldiers were killed by IJU, the Government was not complying, A car bomb explosion killed over thirty thousand Soldiers and Civilians in the Bendel region of Akuba. The elders of Ijaw nation in a press statement advised the Federal government to abide with peace abs fulfill their demands before the holocaust consumed the whole country.
   Days later after the federal government agreed to released the arrested students during the Protest, IJU made Hon.Birakumor the Minister of Urban and Rural Development to say down with Okoko Waya, of which he did and they released him to his family, after his release from IJU, held a press conference abf reaffirm that, all what he said during his missing period were under coercion and shouldn't be considered serious.
      The Federal government in his part, directed all universities to reopen and there should be no increase in the school fees again & also released the students that were arrested. One evening, Hon.Birakumor body was found dead along the street beside the Government house and a written was on his body, LIARS MUST GO TO HELL. not a few media houses called the act an unimaginable evil.
   On a rainy night, IJU took seventy foreigners from their beds in the housing estate of a foreign oil company in the Ijaw nation and took them to the creek and summoned a message to the federal government to cooperate with them so that the hostages will be released unscathed.
        The families and home countries of the hostages appealed to the Akuba president not to use force but cooperate with them and at the same time they also appealed to IJU to honour their words, IJU said they will not kill them if the Government will cooperate, the government of Akuba have teleconference negotiation with IJU and appealed to them to release the hostages and IJU kept their and released the foreigners.
   Despite the fact that, the IJU had released the hostages with unscathed, the federal government of Akuba send some troops to the creek to fight them but were all killed by the Militants, some Militants dressed as Fishermen in river bank and was waiting for another troops that was coming, unknown to them the Militants that dressed as Fishermen immediately they sighted the troops, they released a rocket propelled grenades destroying the entire troops, killed them all.
  The people of Akuba watched the sorrows of the deeply affected families of the troops on TV.
      The following day, in a press Conference organized by the Kaza state Government, six traditional rulers on behalf of ijaw nation told the Government that, What Boro and his counterparts are doing in the region is for his own selfish interest and not for the interest of all and that they are not among the deal. They also denied that, Boro is not a true son of Ijaw nation, they appealed to the government not to hold ijaw nation unavoidable link with Boro against it.
   After the press Conference of the rulers in Kaza, they were returning to the region in carefree happiness with briefcases stuffed with money, they apparently forget that IJU controlled the region. Immediately Boro and his colleagues sighted them, first their briefcases were emptied into the river and were all killed along the sore.
     On Saturday, the landslide of the west-east Road of ijaw nation coincided with the expiration of IJU three months Ultimatum to the government.many people blamed the federal government for not heeding to IJU demand and that it will lead to war. On Sunday, IJU kidnapped eight foreigners and local workers in the oil sector and gave till Monday to start work on restoring the road for immediate and temporary use.Still the same with so much warning messages sent to FG by several groups went nowhere, FG refused to hear their plead, on Monday IJU directed all the oil producing areas and companies to shut down immediately, they shouldn't resume work until FG agrees with them, that lead the country oil sector to decrease in a 48hrs hours time. The eight oil workers were killed on that Monday to serve as a warning to the federal government, With another 48 hours the oil production fell by a further.
   With fear, the federal government called on all government officials to leave the ijaw nation region and also the soldiers to leave Kaima and other areas in the region so that the people could go back to their villages and reconstruction of the road should start immediately.
   Pere-ere would think of how to weave the story of this evil into the story of Akuba and Ijaw nation.
   The next day, a former Governor of Kuku State jet was bombed, quite a few people were happy about it.
     Few days later, another group was formed named Unity Ijaw Union(UIU), its aim is to have a head to head negotiations with the government, they dissociated themselves from IJU, the group was lead by Johnson, Boro's friend and Iniye boyfriend.
   Felagha Gesiye, who is the Aspirant vying for President and the flag bearer of PP(Peoples Party) addressed Boro by name and told him that he didn't want to be beholden to any violence group if he won the election and also advised the incumbent President, Mr.Okoroko Waya to dialogue with any Militant group and have a conclusion with them.
   Boro and his colleagues after hearing Felagha Gesiye's words abides in law because he believed that Felagha will make a positive change in ijaw nation.

In bed, Pere-ere prayed for Felagha Gesiye to win the election and for a long time she thought about Boro's reintergration into the society.
   When electioneering started, she felt that the end of ijaw nation problem is getting closer, she believed that Felagha Gesiye who had a solution to ijaw nation problem will win the election.
   Seven days later after the electioneering had started, IJU addressed the country in a press Conference, the news was titled as, From North to south and from West to east, we will destroy all corruption belonging to greedy people. The next day IJU kidnapped sixty foreigners twenty of whom were not oil workers, they destroyed three oil rigs and vandalized several oil pipelines. IJU warned that, there will be more destruction and the foreigners safety will not be guaranteed if Action Congress Party{ACP) won the election.
Days later after the hostages were killed by IJU to sound as another warning to FG, news have it that troops and soldiers has been sent to the creek to kill and destroy houses and many were killed in Agbagbene when the news came to IJU. Boro left where they were hiding and battled with the troops without inviting his colleagues. At about thirty minutes over three house soldiers were killed by Boro, the firing was so strong and Boro fled from them.
   Till dawn, a news was sent to Boro again that the commander of the Soldiers has decided to dust down Kaima People and the entire Ijaw nation if they don't provide Boro to them.
       Despite Kaima's aversion to ijaw justice union, a lot of people wailed on hearing that Boro has come and was in the Sore of the river.A large crowd of people coursed towards there but were blocked part way by armed forces.
  At the waterside, the slightly intoxicated commander was unable to fight back his tears as he starred at Boro standing at the sore.
   This is me, I have come to you and laid down my gun, Boro was handcuffed but not badly treated, a helicopter gunship came and took him away at 5PM, and the publicity knowable part of the story of his arrest was broadcasted to the nation at 8PM.
    Dad, Mom, Boro has been arrested, Pere-ere cried.
        Mr, Akpoebi and his family started crying.
   The arrest of Boro was a shock to IJU, many people in Akuba wondered why Boro should do such a thing, many said he has made the supreme sacrifice for his people, many also called him a coward for surrendering to the Soldiers for the people he is fighting for who doesn't appreciate what he was doing. With the exception of IJU, there was no Militant who not thoroughly baffled by what Boro had done----Why did he trivialize the story of the struggle, this is really a "SCRIMMAGE".
   Before 8PM, Pere-ere and her family were at Poweide's house, Poweide who herself didn't slept throughout the night, she was weeping because of her son arrest. At point Pere-ere told her that, Boro is pregnant with Doubra the senators daughter. Poweide was inwardly happy but wondered how he got her pregnant. Pere-ere's words were more than the food they ate that day, the words restored Poweide and they began to discuss Boro's story somewhat dispassionately.
    The next day, many of trh media houses published the press released from IJU which read out as, the People of ijaw nation must be known in history, the government has just 48 hours to release Boro and to withdraw their soldiers from the creek or they will face another war from them. There will be no laying down of arms without any dialogue, they added.
   The panicky Movements of officers using strange looking communication gadgets with a radius of 400 meters to the court room, Keeping the Public faraway and allowing only few lawyers and journalist into the court premises.As Boro came out from the bulletproof police vehicle, with no chains on his wrist or his ankles he looked as mild as Millipede and with no one to wave to him.
   In Poweide's living room, she wandered out loud, who was the educated person who had advised that the feared terrorist shouldn't be handcuffed when going to the court premises.
    In the court room, the judge asked Boro, Mr.Boro Akpoebi, are you guilty for the crime been committed by you?.
   I take full responsibility for the use of terror as an instrument for achieving justice for the people of ijaw nation, I take full responsibility for trying to overthrow the unjust system, yes am guilty according to the lights of the unjust, Boro replied.
    Many people were surprised about Boro's answer, two days later, after the judge had secretly consulted with the President , Boro was sentenced to death by hanging.the news came as a shock to ijaw nation, some said those who live by the sword must go down with the sword. Terror gripped Akuba jugulars, two petroleum refineries exploded and went up in flames immediately after Boro was sentenced to death by hanging, a two-hundred bridge was bombed down in Akuku region, that the same day five police stations were also burnt down by IJU, they gave the federal government another 48 hours to release Boro and also withdraw the Soldiers from the Creek and Boro must be released with no harm.
    Many Foreigners called on the government to do as they said and Boro was released that day unharmed.
         His Mom welcomed him and also told him that Mr.Akpoeb is his father and explained to him what happened, they welcomed him so happily and thought out loud that, he is finally back and he is free from Militant altercations and can now live responsible with his wife.Felagha Geiye appreciated the Government:s gesture of peace and told IJU that they should also return the hostages into their various camps. And so two days before the election day, four gentlemen visited the Electoral chairman and warned him not to rig the election to ACP if they want peace to be restored back in Akuba. On the eve of the elections the hostages were released as promised by IJU, at last on the election day Majority of people voted for Felagha Gesiye and he was declared winner by the Electoral chairman, the majority of the militants groups consulted among themselves and Boro Akpoebi appeared on TV at 8Pm a day after Felagha Gesiye was sworn in as the president, he appear on TV on behalf of all the Militant groups to suspend Militant action and let peace reign as Felagha Gesiye had promised to ameliorate the ijaw nation problem. The president in his own part appreciated all the Militants groups for laying down their guns for peace to reign and also reassured them that, he will solve their problems and instantly gave them an Amnesty Program.
    Days after, President Felagha Gesiye called on Boro to be his Special Advisor in Rural Development and Security, Boro was also happy when the news get to him, and he was expected to appear on national TV to commiserate his inauguration as the SA to the President on Rural Development and Security Matters.
   Am glad the new President with his strategies will develop the ijaw nation and peace will reign, the people deserves special attention, Boro thought out loud.
   His father and mom were so happy, they waited on the day for his broadcast on TV, they all stayed at home to watch him live on TV, They were waiting to see at 10Am but there was a news flash at 9:50AM that, Mr. Boro Akpoebi has been murdered. Although, Pere-ere and her Mother didn't hear the other part of news but Akpoebi immediately collapse when he heard the news and was rushed to the hospital, about twenty minutes later Pere-ere announced that she preferred death to their Prison of Security now that her brother is shot dead.
   The death news of Boro Akpoebi came as a surprise to ijaw nation and Akuba at large, even the President was also surprised. In apparent response to the President Ultimatum given to the Police commander to provide the assassin, the inspector General of police due to the death of Boro appeared on National TV at about 7PM and showed the nation the bullet-ridden body of Boro's Assassin.
   IJU added, we are not militants, we are not terrorist but we are true freedom fighters from various groups which used to fight for justice but now sold out to the government, truly this is "SCRIMMAGE IN IJAW NATION".
   The news was a shock to Ijaw nation and the president plead for peace in the region and Boro body was buried in his homeland, Kaima in ijaw nation days after his murder but the struggle didn't continue because of the Amnesty Program given to the Militants by the President.
   Pere-ere in a broadcast said, my brother died through the struggle and nobody want to continue the struggle because of the Amnesty Program that was granted to you.
Oh! Oh! , truly it's a "SCRIMMAGE IN IJAW NATION".
      The End

The name of the protagonist, Boro was taken from the Late General of Niger Delta, Major Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro (September 10, 1938 – May 9, 1968), fondly called "Boro", was a Nigerian nationalist, Ijaw, and soldier. He was one of the pioneers of minority rights activism in Nigeria.
      He was many parts and different things to different people - a university students leader, a teacher, policeman and Nigerian army officer. An undergraduate student of chemistry and student union president at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he left school to lead an armed protest against the exploitation of oil and gas resources in the Niger Delta areas which benefited mainly the federal government of Nigeria and Eastern region with capital in Enugu and nothing was given to the Niger Delta people. He believed that the people of the area deserved a larger share of proceeds of the oil wealth. He formed the Niger Delta Volunteer Force, an armed militia with members consisting mainly of his fellow Ijaw ethnic group. They declared the Niger Delta Republic on February 23, 1966 and fought with federal forces for twelve days before being defeated. Boro and his comrades were jailed for treason. However, the federal regime of General Yakubu Gowon granted him amnesty on the eve of the Nigerian civil war in May 1967. He then enlisted and was commissioned as a major in the Nigerian army. He fought on the side of the Federal Government but was killed under mysterious circumstances in active service in 1968 at Ogu (near Okrika) in Rivers State.
  Niger Delta activists like Ken Saro-Wiwa, Mujahid Dokubo-Asari and many others often referred to him as a major inspiration.


Comrade Elagha Isaac also known as Mr.Congressman hails from Oboro town and Egodor town both in Burutu Local Government Area of Delta state in the Niger Delta Region.
He went to Deinbunughan Primary School and Zado Secondary School, both schools in Oboro. He was appointed as the Punctuality and Regulatory Prefect of Zado Secondary School in the 2018/19 Prefectship Session of the school.
   He started the writing of novels in the 2014 with the novel, the Poor boy and his Family in collaboration with Timadi Eniekpoelade.
He has written Many books, like the Evil Widow, the Wickedness of the King, a Voice of an Evil and Many more.

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