Zado most seniors are the set 2018/19 seniors of zado secondary school,oboro.
            These set of seniors did alot in the school before they graduate from the group.. And below are the names of the students.
*Robert shopper
* Elagha Isaac
* Tarebi Alamienyeseigha
* Elagha Jude
* Timadi Friday Eniekpoelade
* Samson Ebikonbowei
* Julius Abednego
* Paradise prince
* Wilson Funware A.
* Paul Godgift
*Arindonbo Emmanuel
*Moses Christopher
* Tarebi mannercity-ere
*Matthew Hannah
*Patrick Ebikonbo-ere
*Orukeregha Isaiah
*Alex Destiny
*opukeme Bamugha
*Ofeke God's power
*Thank-God Tonbrapade
   The above afore mentioned names are the seniors.
Their names shall not by any means be forgotten in the school history.
  After that...the school is still not forgotten the past seniors too who are not part of the 2018/19 set but they tried.. People like Paul Isaac and Evile Ewerikumor.
    Your names shall forever be in our hearts..thanks.
.please for any correction and amendment do well to contact the blogger.
Thanks for reading

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