IPCF & NDCM Charges FG to Develop Niger Delta.

Elagha Isaac

*Ijaw Political Commentators Forum(IPCF) and
Niger Delta creek *Movement (NDCM). 

Two of the Niger Delta Political Activists groups urged the Federal Government of Nigeria to Develop Niger Delta. 

   The two groups been recognize as, Ijaw Political Commentators Forum(IPCF) ably led by Comrade Elagha Isaac and Niger Delta creek Movement (NDCM) ably led by Comrade Timipre Ndoni wrote a letter to the Federal government concerning the Under-Development of the Niger Delta Region, 
Showing concern about the Crook Movement and injustice in the region, the group in collaboration with the two Presidents of the Forum, Elagha Isaac and Timipre Ndoni wrote a letter to FG to please Develop the Niger Delta Region. 

  In the words of Elagha Isaac, 

 "Dear our able President (MBuhari) please Develop the Niger Delta Region, we are the Financial hubs of the Country and we can't stat like this in the Country, we deserve better Portion from Nigerian Government ". Comrade Elagha Isaac(President IPCF) 

 Timipre Ndoni said, Investigate NDDC projects because nothing has been done in the region. Comrade Timipre Ndoni (President NDCM) 

  They also emphasized on the PAP leadership so appoint ijaw man to the office.  

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