Bomadi LGA Poor Performance: Isaac Elagha Speaks Tough.


Bomadi Poor Performance:  Isaac Elagha Speaks Tough.

      *Passed A Vote of No Confidence on them.

One of the outstanding Comrades of Ijaw nation, Comrade Isaac Elagha who's the principal solicitor of ijaw Political commentators forum had passed a vote of no confidence to Bomadi LGA Law-Makers and others.

   In the words of him;

     It's too embarrassing to hear that we are still very much underdeveloped when we have some prominent people in both Delta State House of Assembly, Nigerian House of Senate & House of Reps who in one way or the other has stayed in that office for a long time now.What Bomadi Youths was expected of you all  as the Assembly member fate had picked to speak for the ruthlessly oppressed ijaws  in Delta State but we have seen nothing like that.

   To whom it may concern, have passed a vote of No Confidence to all Political Stakeholders in the LGA.“It appears there is no moral will to tackle the matter because continuous complaints about the Underdevelopment in the region seems to fall on deaf ears.”,  lawmaker did not act on his own as he only carried out the bidding of those who sent him to the Assembly, that's the rule as a leader but ours only walk for their own.

     The Entire Political Stakeholders in the LGA has failed us, not even one had helped to elevate the residents out from the way they were before he/she was elected into the office.

    Let me ask this question, how many times as this said Leaders briefed the concern citizens of bomadi LGA about their constituency projects and how far they have helped the masses?

   Not even one had briefed the citizens they were elected into their various Political offices, many Political manifestos/election promises were made during the campaign period but we have seen nothing since elected, it's so disgusting and pathetic to listen to all your Fallacious Political Manifestos/stories, Bomadians must give a vote of No Confidence to all Stakeholders and say no to this Political Slavery and Political humiliation in the local Government Area.

     The Protest by the Bomadi Like Mind Comrades has portrayed how to deal with some politicians, 2023 is not far anymore time shall tell who's really the Citizen and the Political Stakeholders.

    No constituency projects has been seen since elected.

       "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves"

May Posterity be kind to us.

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