Bad Leadership: Burutu Like Mind Comrades Writes Okowa & Angele, Make Demands



   ******Says they should give a listening ear to their demands.

  One of the front line human right/Political Activist group named Burutu Like Mind Comrades in their online Protest tagged the Governor of Delta State and the Burutu Local Government Council  Chairman to give a listening ear to the demands of Burutuans.

    Burutu Like Mind Comrades whose statement was made public by the group members in their official handle and a copy was sent to me says, Burutuans has been suffering from some many things and both the LGA chairman and the Governor of the state is still mute about it.

   The Group used Zuokumor Primary School demolished building as an example and it's an unacceptable Development in the LG.

   The group also urges Hon.Godknows Angele to try harder this coming LG poll because he may likely not to be given the chairman.

   Some of their demands are;


Renovation of Damaged School Buildings in the LGA, an Example is zuokumor Primary School building in Ojobo Community and other towns where schools has been damaged.

å Inclusion of Youths In Governance

å Completion of Ayakoromor Bridge

å Employment

å Steady light and Many more demands.





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